Monk Build
Monks are sacred warriors who channel divine power through sheer force of will. See best monk build recomend by D3 Community.
Diablo 3 Wizard Build
Wizards are renegade spellcasters who use their bodies as vessels for arcane energy, forsaking the more careful path favored by other magic users. Discover lastest build for wizard
Barbarian Build
Barbarians are savage wanderers who never flinch from close-quarters combat. Mighty ground stomps, leaping attacks and dual-wielded slashes leave a barbarian’s enemies dead in their boots and send any survivors fleeing for cover..
Demon Hunter
Demon hunters are relentless vigilantes who execute their infernal targets with an arsenal of ranged weapons. Watch our best build for Demon Hunter
Whitch Doctor
Witch doctors are spiritual warriors who summon dead souls and crawling creatures to do their bidding. Visit most popular build ...
Diablo 3 RoS: PTR Character Copy
How to Participate Diablo 3 Reaper and Soul beta test
Diablo III Reaper of Souls - First Look Adventure Mode
Console Version Clarifications and Game Guide Updated

Blizzard to Shut Down Diablo 3 Auction House on March 18, 2014

Monk DPS build 1.0.8 - One hit

Top 1H Monk Build - Quickening with Inna's Set

Demon Hunter Impale PVP Build